Incas的土地包括現下是Bolibia,秘魯,厄瓜多和阿根廷和智利的部分的。 在這個中心內那些Inca帝國在它的首都,庫斯科," 星期日的神聖的城市" 從帝國的每個部分,穀類,金和銀,布和食品湧入首都。
Incas作為在12世紀居住在秘魯安第斯山脈的一個小部落開始。 在14世紀,他們的強壯的領導人,Mayta Qapapq,開始征服相鄰的土地。 在15世紀以前,Incas的巨大的帝國成為在美國知道的最大的帝國。 雖然只有40,000 Incas,但是他們管理大約1200萬的人口,包括100 不同的人。 Incas是聰明的總督並且沒總是將他們自己的想法強加於其他組。 他們克服的人們必須接受Inca 神,但是他們被允許用他們自己的模式崇拜並且保持他們自己的風俗。
帝國的每個新統治者被叫為Sapa Inca, 並且每Sapa Inca 聲稱是太陽的孩子並且被看作利益。 當Sapa Inca死時,人們保持並且照顧了他的身體, 並且他繼續對" 住" 在他的宮殿裡。 死的Inca坐在一把金色的凳子上,並且一名婦女日日夜夜看他,撣蒼蠅離開他的臉。 死的統治者每天被提供食品,並且在特別時刻他們被自他們的宮殿帶一同享受。 每個新統治者必須建造一座新宮殿。 到1500年,庫斯科充滿死的Incas的宮殿。
每Sapa Inca有一位王后或者Coya。 她經常是統治者的自己的姐妹。 象他一樣,她被認為是一個太陽的孩子。 把他的姐妹嫁給的Sapa Inca保證他們的孩子只有太陽的純血統。 他們的一個兒子將是下一Sapa Inca。 不過,每Sapa Inca有很多非正式的妻子和許多孩子變得Inca 高貴。
Incas統治在歷史上的最整潔的帝國中的那個。 他們透過一個官員的系統控制每個人的生活。 這個系統看起來象一個三角形或者金字塔。 在底部是數百萬個普通的農場主。 在那些農場主上方是官員和更高的官員,並且在這些上方官員是帝國的住處的4 個總督。 在金字塔的頂是Sapa Inca。
普通人必須花費為國家采礦,大樓道路或者在軍隊服役工作的每年的部分。 如果沒有正式的許可他們不能離開他們的村莊。 他們別無他法只有在那些土地內工作並且寄關於3 他們的農產品朝那些政府商店。 帝國有食品被保持的巨大的倉庫。 Incas保證沒有人飢餓。 作為報答,每個人預計工作。
即使普通人的結婚被控制。 雖然貴族經常有幾位妻子,但是一個普通的人只能有一個。 國家控制每個普通的人能與結婚誰和什麼時候。 每年,地方首領裝配的全部合格年輕人24 和女子結束18 的超過。 他們被組合成兩行然後一同配對。 結婚的第一年以來,夫婦不必在貨物或者勞動上納稅。 不過,他們在他們有生之年必須努力工作。 當他們是老的並且變得太脆弱或者生病照顧自己時, 他們從國家倉庫收到免費食品和衣服,並且他們的家庭成員將照顧他們。
Incas沒有馬或者車輪幫助他們做運輸,但是他們有一個複雜的道路系統。 他們的道路的網路位於帝國,從今天的秘魯到智利。 叫王室的道路的一條道路,是3,250英里(5,200 公里) 長時間。 它被透過安第斯山脈建造。 即使今天,帶有現代工具,建造那條道路是困難的。 Incas也做繩的特別的吊橋; 這些懸掛300英尺(91米) 高於深的河。 因為大多數人不被允許旅行,是政府信使的士兵和chasquis使用了道路。 他們高度的賽跑者每隔大約(3.2 公里)二英里安置 沿著道路和來自庫斯科的帶的消息,大寫字母。 接力隊能跑直到200英里(322 公里) 一天和在兩天內把魚從這個海帶來到首都。 但是道路的主要原因是給支配帝國的那些士兵。
雖然他們沒有寫的系統,但是Incas在quipus裡發訊息,這被在他們裡的結染成線。 這根線的顏色描述什麼正被算。 例如,一根黃的線代表金黃色和士兵的一根讀的線。 結代表數目。
雖然他們只有基本的工具,但是Incas是專家建築者。 不是有水泥的大樓牆,他們使用一同完全適合的石頭。 直到今天,大多數Inca 牆保持不變。 在1950年,3 分之2 的庫斯科被在一場地震裡破壞,但是老牆都不倒塌。 今天保護得好的Machu Picchu鎮表現Inca 建築者的驚人的技能。 這個鎮,由於未知原因被Inca拋棄,只是被在1911年發現。
Inca帝國下降在他們巨大統治者Huayna Capac在1525的死之後quicly。 他的兩個兒子,Atahualpa和Huascar,在方面爭吵,誰應該是下一Sapa Inca。 他們在一次戰爭方面與彼此作鬥爭,最後,在1532年,Atahualpa 贏,在戰爭期間, 消息傳來陌生的人們已經在這個海岸上到達。 這些參觀者,那些西班牙人,穿著金屬衣服,未知的動物(馬)騎 ,並且頭髮減少他們的下巴。 在他的勝利之後,Atahualpa 想要看這些陌生的人們並且邀請他們訪問他。 只有180個西班牙人,因此Atahualpa不害怕。 不過,那些西班牙人攻擊有帶槍的暴徒的Inca 軍隊並且放他們的大砲。 他們看Atahualpa 已決犯並且許諾給他自由交換一房間全部黃金和銀。 不過,那些西班牙人沒釋放Atahualpa; 他們改為殺死他。 沒有領導人,Inca 士兵虛弱,並且那些西班牙人不久戰勝他們。 那些西班牙人給Incas 命令,並且Incas 服從他們,因為他們習慣於一生服從。 西班牙人對Inca 黃金和銀只感興趣,他們打人在礦內工作並且疏忽在農地工作。 很多Incas死於過度工作和飢餓。 大的Inca帝國不久被破壞。
雖然Inca衣冠文物消失,但是它的文化和人們的蹤跡倖存。 事實上,今天來自在厄瓜多,秘魯和玻利維亞的安第斯山脈的人口中的多數的Inca的後裔。 

The land of the Incas included what is now Bolibia, Peru, Ecuador, and part of Argentina and Chile.  In the center of the Inca Empire was its capital, Cuzco, the "Sacred City of the Sun." From every part of the empire, grain, gold and silver, cloth, and food poured into the capital.
   The Incas began as a small tribe living in the Peruvian Andes in the 1100s.  In the 1300s, their strong leader, Mayta Qapapq, began to conquer neighboring lands.  By the 1400s, the Incas' huge empire became the largest empire known in the Americas.  Although there were only 40,000 Incas, they ruled a population of about 12 million, which included 100 different peoples.  The Incas were clever governors and did not always force their own ideas on other groups.  The people they conquered had to accept the Inca gods, but they were allowed to worship in their own way and keep their own customs.
  Each new ruler of the empire was called the Sapa Inca, and each Sapa Inca claimed to be the child of the sun and was treated as a good.  When a Sapa Inca died, his body was kept and taken care of by the people, and he continued to "live" in his palace.  The dead Inca sat on a golden stool, and a woman watched him day and night, whisking the flies away from his face.  The dead ruler were served food each day, and on special occasions they were carried out of their palaces to feast together.  Each new ruler had to build a new palace.  By 1500, Cuzco was full of palaces of dead Incas.
   Each Sapa Inca had a queen, or Coya.  She was almost always the ruler's own sister.  Like him, she was thought to be a child of the sun.  The Sapa Inca married his sister to make sure their children only had the pure blood of the sun.  One of their sons would be the next Sapa Inca.  However, each Sapa Inca had many unofficial wives and dozens of children  would become the Inca nobility.
    The Incas ruled over one of the best organized empires in history.  They controlled the lives of everyone through a system of officials.  This system was like a triangle or pyramid.  At the bottom were millions of ordinary farmers.  Above the farmers were officials and higher officials, and above these officials were the four governors of the quarters of the empire.  At the very top of the pyramid was the Sapa Inca.
    Ordinary people had to spend part of each year working for the state-mining, buildings roads, or serving in the army.  They could not leave their villages without official permission.  They had no choice but to work in the land and send on-third of their produce to the government stores.  The empire had huge storehouses where food was kept.  The Incas made sure no one starved.  In return, everyone was expected to work.
    Even marriage of the ordinary people was controlled.  Although nobles often had several wives, an ordinary man could only have one.  The state controlled whom and when each ordinary person could marry.  Each year the local chiefs assembled all the eligible young men over twenty-four and women over eighteen.  They were grouped into two lines and then paired together.  For the first year of marriage, the couple did not have to pay taxes on either goods or labor.  However, they would have to work hard for the rest of their lives.  when they  were elderly and became too frail or sick to take care of themselves, they received free food and clothes from the state storehouse, and their family group would care for them.
    The Incas had no horses or wheels to help them with transportation, but they had a sophisticated road system.  Their network of roads ran the length of the empire, from today's Peru to Chile.  One road, called the Royal Road, was 3,250 miles (5,200 km) long.  It was built through the Andes Mountains.  Even today, with modern tools, it would be difficult to build that road.  The Incas also made extraordinary suspension bridges of ropes; these hung 300 feet (91 meters) above deep rivers. Since most people were not allowed to travel, the roads were used by soldiers and chasquis, who were government messengers.  They were highly trained runners who were stationed at intervals of about two miles (3.2 km) along the roads and carried message to and from Cuzco, the capital.  Relay teams could run up to 200 miles (322 km) a day and bring fish from the sea to the capital in two days.  But the main reason for the roads was for the soldiers who kept the empire under control.
   Although they had no system of writing, the Incas sent messages in quipus, which were colored strings with knots in them.  The color of the string represented what was being counted.  For example, a yellow string stood for gold and a read string for soldiers.  The knots stood for numbers.
   The Incas were expert builders, although they only had basic tools.  Instead of building walls with cement, they used stones that fit together perfectly. Many of the Inca walls remain in place to this day.  In 1950, two-thirds of Cuzco was destroyed in an earthquake, but none of the old walls collapsed.  Today the well-preserved town of Machu Picchu shows the remarkable skills of the Inca builders.  This town, which was abandoned by the Inca for unknown reasons, was only discovered in 1911.
   The Inca Empire fell very quicly after the death of their great ruler Huayna Capac in 1525. Two of his sons, Atahualpa and Huascar, quarreled over who should be the next Sapa Inca.  They fought against each other in a war and finally, in 1532, Atahualpa won, During the war, news came that strange people had arrived on the coast.  These visitors, the Spaniards, were dressed in metal suits, rode unknown animals (horses), and had hair growing down their chins.  After his victory, Atahualpa wanted to see these strange people and invited them to visit him.  There were only 180 Spaniards, so Atahualpa was not  afraid.  However, the Spaniards attacked the Inca army with guns and fired their cannons.  They look Atahualpa prisoner and promised to give him his freedom in exchange for a room full gold and silver.  However, the Spaniards didn't free Atahualpa; they killed him instead.  With no leader, the Inca soldiers were weak, and the Spaniards soon defeated them.  The Spaniards gave the Incas orders, and the Incas obeyed them because they were used to obeying all their lives.  The Spaniards were only interested in the Inca gold and silver, so they made the people work in the mines and neglect the farming.  Many Incas died from overwork and hunger.  The great Inca Empire was soon destroyed.
   Though the Inca civilization disappeared, traces of its culture and people survive.  As a matter of fact, today the Inca's descendants from the majority of the population in the  Andes of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.


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