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cat16802002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這是我做的作品唷 看看就好

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cat16802002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Incas的土地包括現下是Bolibia,秘魯,厄瓜多和阿根廷和智利的部分的。 在這個中心內那些Inca帝國在它的首都,庫斯科," 星期日的神聖的城市" 從帝國的每個部分,穀類,金和銀,布和食品湧入首都。
Incas作為在12世紀居住在秘魯安第斯山脈的一個小部落開始。 在14世紀,他們的強壯的領導人,Mayta Qapapq,開始征服相鄰的土地。 在15世紀以前,Incas的巨大的帝國成為在美國知道的最大的帝國。 雖然只有40,000 Incas,但是他們管理大約1200萬的人口,包括100 不同的人。 Incas是聰明的總督並且沒總是將他們自己的想法強加於其他組。 他們克服的人們必須接受Inca 神,但是他們被允許用他們自己的模式崇拜並且保持他們自己的風俗。
帝國的每個新統治者被叫為Sapa Inca, 並且每Sapa Inca 聲稱是太陽的孩子並且被看作利益。 當Sapa Inca死時,人們保持並且照顧了他的身體, 並且他繼續對" 住" 在他的宮殿裡。 死的Inca坐在一把金色的凳子上,並且一名婦女日日夜夜看他,撣蒼蠅離開他的臉。 死的統治者每天被提供食品,並且在特別時刻他們被自他們的宮殿帶一同享受。 每個新統治者必須建造一座新宮殿。 到1500年,庫斯科充滿死的Incas的宮殿。
每Sapa Inca有一位王后或者Coya。 她經常是統治者的自己的姐妹。 象他一樣,她被認為是一個太陽的孩子。 把他的姐妹嫁給的Sapa Inca保證他們的孩子只有太陽的純血統。 他們的一個兒子將是下一Sapa Inca。 不過,每Sapa Inca有很多非正式的妻子和許多孩子變得Inca 高貴。
Incas統治在歷史上的最整潔的帝國中的那個。 他們透過一個官員的系統控制每個人的生活。 這個系統看起來象一個三角形或者金字塔。 在底部是數百萬個普通的農場主。 在那些農場主上方是官員和更高的官員,並且在這些上方官員是帝國的住處的4 個總督。 在金字塔的頂是Sapa Inca。

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cat16802002 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table makes us think of an age of heroism and romance.  For a thousand years, stories about them have been passed down from generation to generation, across Europe and the rest of the world.  We even encounter them today in books, on television, and in the movies.  In all these stories, King Arthur and his knights fight bravely for justice and truth.  Of course, they always win.
    The legendary King Arthur was known as the greatest king that over lived.  His magnificent castle was called Camelot, and his wife, Guinevere, was the most beautiful woman in history.  Arthur had a the greatest knights at his court.  They were all equal and sat at a round table to show that no one had a higher tank than the other.  The most famous knights were Sir Gawain and Sir Lancelot.  The knights did many good deeds and went on adventures.  They saved young women in trouble and searched for a precious cup called the Holy Grail.  They were all heros, although they had faults like all people do.
     In the legend, Arthur is the perfect king.  He has a wizard by the name of Merlin who helps him defeat his enemies.  He also has flashing swords and wears a fine suit of shining armor.  Arthur has two magic swords.  At the beginning of his reign, he pulls one form a block of stone, proving that he is the true king.  The other sword appears in the middle of a lake and has powers that make Arthur immortal.  At the end of his reign, Arthur returns to the lake and disappears into the mist.
     Are these stories true? Did King Arthur really exist?  Was his wife, Guinevere, real?  Did Camelot exist?  How true to fact are some of these stories Historians don't know.  For the last few hundred years, people thought that the legend about Arthur had been invented.  However, historians have realized recently that Arthur really may have existed.
    Most historians believe that he probably did.  They think that he was a king or a great leader somewhere in Great Britain.  Most believe that Arthur lived around the end of the fifth and beginning of the sixth century.  They also believe that he led an army against the Saxons who invaded Britain a very long time ago, that he won this great battle, and that he was the character who inspired hundreds of stories.

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  • Feb 05 Mon 2007 22:46
  • 星空




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而是將你所擁有的,發揮得淋漓盡致。 ≠

每一分每一秒都是現場演出。 你想擁有什麼!↘

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  • Nov 17 Thu 2005 20:39
  • ???



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